a lot of people find cbd a little bit confusing, it is a new supplement on the shelf that in the last two years came from nowhere to everywhere.
with more research and studies on the compound more and more people finding it comfortable to use cbd and understand the benefits of the special plant.
one thing that any user of cbd should know is the difference between isolate cbd to full spectrum cbd. it may sounds complicated but the difference is in the extraction process of the two.
isolate cbd made by a distension of the hemp plant. process that use ethanol.it can look a little bit suspicious in it white powder form. a good benefit of distension process that it delete any trace of thc from the finish product. although it also get reed of all the natural terpenes of the plant, that are a big part of the cbd benefits!
on the other hand, full spectrum cbd made in co2 extraction, no hit process that allow to keep all the plant compounds including terpenes and flavonoids. that are so important to the full benefits experience. Co2 processor Using higher quality hemp plant to cancel the option of pesticide and contaminants not like the ethanol process that can use low quality hemp
full spectrum can also legally contain up to 0.3% THC. but it will not cause a high, or any thc side effects. the opposite, cbd research shows that with a small dose of thc the cbd can double it affect. there for a full spectrum cbd has to contain a small dose of thc (less than 3%) to reach full spectrum.
So for conclusion full spectrum is a stronger more bored affects extract of hemp, isolate can be a good choice for people how look for a 0% thc product and more mild and affordable.