CBD Questions and Answers


What is a good dose of CBD?

good dose dependents in the product contingency, purpose of use, and personal tolerance. we will recommend reading and follow the manufacturer's direction on any individual product. start from a smaller dose and increase if needed.

What's the best way to take CBD?

It really depends on what your goal is and why you're taking CBD in the first place.

arthritis, Muscles, joints, and local pain can be treated best by topical products. Also, Some people don't want to ingest anything and therefore prefer a topical CBD cream or ointment.

Anxiety, insomnia, pain, and seizures will be better treated by CBD oil. 

The biggest differences between tinctures and topical are the speed of delivery and how long the effects last. Tinctures take longer to work but last four or five hours. Topical have much faster pain relief response but will be local and last for a shorter time.

Can CBD affect other medication?

Although studies are still ongoing to determine potential interactions between CBD and medication. Avoid CBD if your medications have a grapefruit warning on the label. Or consult with your physician before using CBD.

Cbd is addictive?

CBD doesn't produce the high associated with THC, it's potential for abuse is considered limited by scientists. CBD oil could help thwart addiction to other dangerous substances, such as tobacco or opioids.

Can I travel with CBD?

According to the 2018 Farm Bill, you can travel between states with legit CBD products. However, if you're traveling with a tincture, be mindful of TSA limits on how much liquid you can carry on an airplane. (You can also mail CBD products, just like). What is your shipping policy?

Will CBD show up on a drug test?

No, as long as you're buying third-party tested CBD with no added THC.

If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask us!

contact us on info@hilawellness.com.

Paul Cavanagh